New Years Eve doings
Ds & I are going to the Bodies Exhibition downtown this morning and since my office is only a few blocks away, will swing by & pick up my paycheck & bonus check. The bodies show is about $20 a person. I don't think dd wants to go, she's a little leery about it. So it will be just me & ds. He does not want the narative tour, which will save about $5 a person. I will have to pay for parking which sucks, but that's the way it is. Probably a couple of dollars. We will NOT go out to lunch as I need to get back home so I can get the snacks & appetizers ready for this evening. We are the house where the other 3 couples will meet before we figure out where we are going to tonight. I really really wish everyone would agree to just stay here & party & ring in new year. Don't really want to go anywhere (crowds, danger, obnoxious, expensive, etc.). Of course, one person refuses to stay at home on New Years Eve, not sure if that means someone elses hous...