Menu Plan Week 29

Ahhh ... Sonny Boy is home. My dad is back at his new home (finally released from the hospital). Hubby is home. And Princess is ALWAYS home :)

Life is Good.

But this week, I'm not really menu planning. I know! Whats up?

Hubby and I fly out Thursday for 9 glorious days in the Midwest. Kids are staying home to take care of Kitty Kitty as someone needs to feed him occasionally, you know? Oh yeah, they also need to bring the mail in, set the alarm every night and every morning when they leave, take the garbage out to the street, do laundry, clean house, make food ... you know, just basically do MY job :)

So, here's what is sort of planned:

Sunday - Tacos (salad for me)

Monday - leftover steak and chicken and seafood (from Saturday night) with a bag of veggies from the freezer. Last minute tossed in some fresh mushrooms and diced onions too.

Tuesday - Pizza and salad (um, no pizza for ME). Will pick up a couple of GOOD pizzas from the Fresh Market.

Wednesday - Plan on cleaning out the fridge and setting up meal ideas for the kids.

Thursday - family time! Probably grillin. We will stop at the Costco outside the airport to pick up some special foods and such to share as our contribution for everyones hospitality.

Friday - out with Hubby. Meet and Greet for his class reunion.

Saturday - Hubby's class reunion at the, ahem, Moose Lodge. Seriously? Yes, seriously. I still don't know what I'm wearing.

How about you? Whats on the menu for the week??

NOTE: My kids are not really 'kids' anymore, 19 and 21 (and a half) so please don't call child services on me ... animal control, maybe, but not child services :)


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