Staying Focused

Like anything else, you have to stay FOCUSED in order to reach your goals.

By keeping your eye on the prize, you will succeed ...

But of course, just because you reached your goal and GOT the prize, now is NOT the time to become distracted and lose your focus

Yes, the mouse got away. Kitty Kitty doesn't typically kill his catches, just plays forever with them.

But my point is: even though you finally lost that 10 pounds or saved that $100, you need to stay on task and not fall off the wagon.

That 10 pounds can and WILL creep back on you if you keep eating them cookies that you limited for 6 months.

That $100 will be $0 if you keep buying those cute little *insert your downfall HERE* that you know are only $1 but boy, they sure do add up after you buy 100.

So STAY FOCUSED and remember what your ultimate goal is. When you reach it, raise your hands in the air, do the fist pump of sweet success and REMEMBER what you did to get there.

*This motivational speech in no way harmed or eliminated any rodents in the South Florida area*


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