Menu Plan - Week 18

Did you all notice something missing earlier this week?

Ummm... the weekly Menu Plan? That sort of went on the wayside ... between the Air Show Party, the rain, the hangover, the attitudes, dealing with my dad, ummm... and the LEFTOVERS ... I just didn't plan a menu for the week.

Trust me, even with ALL the leftovers, I'm still standing in the kitchen at 7pm looking in the fridge asking myself  "Whats For Dinner?" ... good grief!

Menu Planning really is the way to go, trust me!

So, here's what we've been eating and what I anticipate the remainder of the week to bring:

Sunday - fend for yourself on the leftovers ... I was slightly hungover and believe I ate some chips and a chicken salad sandwich on a potato roll.

Monday - Pasta salad and cabbage salad

Tuesday - chips ... then nachos (with salsa, cheese and sour cream) ... I was in quite a foul mood and wanted Hubby to cook up the remaining burgers but he didn't

Wednesday - burgers ... adding bacon and bleu cheese to mine as I deserve it!

Thursday - ummm...ladies night, Blackberry Margaritas ... I've made it quite clear to my girlfriends that I am B R O K E but they still want to take me out for my birthday ... suppose to be ladies drink free at this new place called Dapur

Friday - tacos ... traditional for Sonny Boy and salad style for me and Hubby (I'm thinking Hubby will take me out Saturday for my birthday and Cinco de Mayo!)

Saturday - it's my Birthday and I'm certainly NOT going to be cooking this day! In years past, I would but not this year ... I need a real vacation!

Not even linking up this week ... :) What are YOU making for dinner?


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