A Little Early Morning Effort

So, really, I wake up at 5:30am. During the school year, I do this to make sure Sonny Boy gets up, eats breakfast and gets to school on time (he leaves at 6:30am).

During the summertime, I used to sleep in til 6 or 6:30. But this summer, I still get up.

To let the cat out.

To browse the net.

To update my blogs (ummm, I know, still sorely lacking!)

To W.O.R.K.O.U.T.

Ummm. Yeah. Exercise.  Happens sporadically. Really, it's a little pathetic.

But I continue to wake up at 5:30. Make my coffee, fire up the laptop, let the cat out, etc. And maybe, if I feel like I have the energy to do so, work out. Seems lately though, I have none. Whats up with that?

Today was one of them mornings. And my list of things to do is getting longer and longer (without the workout actually written on the list to do).

This morning, I took 15 minutes to  ...


Yes. I ironed for 15 minutes at 6am. And you know what? I got a lot done.  4 skirts. 5 blouses. 2 pairs of pants. And 4 polo's for hubby. He may feel slighted as he didn't get all HIS clothes ironed, but I did.

Ahhh. That's one thing off my list.  AND I believe I need to get a new iron soon. This one keeps turning off. Wiggle the plug in the wall and it comes on. Does not sound like a good thing, you think??


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