
Showing posts from May, 2011

What a great 3 day weekend

I got out of the office by 2pm. Was home by 3:30 after stopping at the store. Made some chicken skewers ... which were delicious. While eating dinner, I thought, odd, my throat is really sore. Hmmm, maybe I just scratched it on some food or something. But it hurt pretty bad. The next morning, it REALLY hurt. And I had sniffles! What? How can this possibly be?? I've had like 3 colds now in 3 months. Geesh. All while I'm trying to eat healthier and everything! My only conclusion is the GYM. Yeah. The Gym. You know, medicine balls, kettle balls, weights, etc.? Yeah, we use sanitizer but seriously, I wonder just what's in them bottles?? So Saturday night, we had a few couples over for dinner (chicken stuffed with spinach and herby rice with a pie) and the sickness went out the window with a few shots of Patron and a squeeze of lime. Sunday was the big bash for the Animals. After all, the majority of them were finished with school and will be heading off to colle...

Lazy Days of Summer

Uhhh, school is officially out for Sonny Boy which means the next big step is college. Wow. But first, we have SUMMER! I love Summer. Kitty Kitty loves Summer too I think. It stays lighter much later at night. It gets lighter much earlier in the morning (yeah for me since I get up EARLY). The pool is finally warm again. Ok, I know some of you think I'm nuts because I'm whining it's only 83. Ummm, that's cold by South Florida standards and NO ONE who lives here will go near it! Boating weather is so much nicer (plus the ocean is warm as is Boca Lake ). Snowbirds and MOST tourist go back home. I have nothing against tourist, it's just nice to get our places back to ourselves :) We will still get the European and South American groups in but nothing like the winter! And we just spend so much more time outside. Eating out on the patio, grilling, floating in pool, wave runner, boat, beach, yard stuff ... the list goes on forever! I also think that we ...

Skipping the gym

My back is still killing me ... I know it's just the muscle that was *over* worked out but still ... uggg. So I'm doing some laundry (to scratch that off the list soon), dishes, AND I made Hubby a Cobb Salad, his very favorite: Pretty easy to do, chop some lettuce (romaine), chop 2 eggs, chop some turkey lunchmeat, and then just put in neat rows on top of lettuce. I used olives (since he loves olives) and a little cheddar cheese since I don't have any blue cheese. NO AVOCADO either.ļ»æ Normally I would have offered up my honey mustard dressing but haven't made any this week (it's on my list) so I offered the favorite stand by (which is delicious!) So again, I've proved how much we love salads in this house ... and I feel like a GOOD wife in making dinner finally! :)

Dragging along

Hello! I'm still here ... alive and well. Just been busy and all kinds of other things ... 1. Took the class at Gym on Monday. Kettle balls and medicine balls. Had to walk down stairs somewhat sideways and hold on to railing. Ummm, TODAY is the first day I can actually walk without my feet dragging or slapping. Lord have mercy. I need to definitely link up on the frugal exercise site and post it ... it was brutal. 2. Sonny Boy has his very last final today. Whew. I'm excited. I think he's a little depressed. 3. Kitty kitty managed to trap a bird in the pool skimmer. Could see the little thing hopping back and forth on the flapper thingy. Asked Hubby to please take lid off and stand back ... he did (used a crowbar to remove lid just in case birdy was borderline aggressive) and the bird hopped out and off chirping all the while. Kitty kitty was not at all happy for being trapped inside the house while this happened. 4. Had to let our new receptionist go at the offic...

Mango Salsa

Yummmm. I went to Whole Foods on Sunday for a few things from the produce section. Not because I wanted organic or anything like that but because I was pretty much across the street and it was just way more convenient. Ummm. Convenience and frugal do NOT go hand in hand. I always forget how expensive that place is. Whew. BUT. They had samples going on...lots and lots and LOTS of samples! Oh delicious! And they sucked me in! I got the salsa, the ginger teriyaki sauce (thankfully I have tons of boneless skinless chicken thighs to make my own chicken skewers!), Russian coleslaw, oh my! So here's what I plan on making soon ... the ingredient list is taken right off the TO DIE FOR package of mango salsa I bought for $6.99 (yes, that says SIX dollars and ninety-nine cents): Mangos red onion lemon juice jalapeno cilantro sea salt black pepper Now, keep in mind, every ingredient has "organic" in front of it, and it's "All Raw Vegan" ... which...

Blackened Grouper Sandwiches

For those who live in Florida, you know that most "local" restaurants will offer this at some point on the menu and man, it is sooooo very good. I had purchased some fillets from Winn Dixie when they were buy one get free a while ago & I've got burger buns that need to be used so here we go! 4 grouper fillets blackening season (I use Badia brand, cheaper, bigger bottle, just as good as that "Big Man" stuff) Lemon (for the juice, or heck, you can use the bottled stuff, I won't tell) Burger buns Coleslaw (I just use the raw cabbage from a bag and toss with a little more thousand island dressing) Thousand Island dressing Pickle spears Lay out the filets in a glass dish. Run your fingers over to be sure there are no bones (I have fish bone phobia, sorry). Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the fish. Sprinkle evenly with the blackened seasoning. A little makes it a flavor, alot gives it a kick, use your discretion. Flip the fishies and ...

State of the Economy (and your own financial situation). Long. Opinionated. Rambling.

This post has been rambling around for a while. Tweaked, deleted, added to and then tweaked again. Because the LAST thing I want to do is cause issues and a verbal slaughter! But seriously. We've hit our debt ceiling.  Does anyone really know what that means? It means that the credit card will not work at Walmart, Target, wherever you try to use it. It means you have NO liquidity left. I'm sure anyone reading this has had that gut sinking feeling when the cashier shakes her head at you indicating that it's a no go. Well, that's what America is going to be feeling soon. Seriously. I'm concerned. Enough so that I jokingly tell those around me that I feel like I should be stocking up on flour, sugar, water bottles, tuna, batteries, 100 watt light bulbs (I kid!), ammo and whiskey (tequila, vodka, beer) ... because really, what WILL happen to the economy? Am I for the raising of taxes? I prefer not to because I feel I pay quite a bit as it is already. AND...

Gel Nail Polish

There's this manicure out there that you can get in which your nails are painted with a gel nail polish. 3 coats with each coat being "cured" using UV lights. A few weeks back (before the Vegas trip) I went ahead and had it done. I'm confused if there is a fake nail you can do too ... but I only did the polish. My nails were short, broken, and polish just never lasts very long. So I said yes. $25. Not as expensive as other things. OMG. They were dry as soon as she patted my hand to signal we were done. Seriously. Reach in purse and take out keys, money, etc. NO SMUDGE! I almost never ever make it home without doing at least one nail :) 2 weeks and a day later, I can see the growth and that point of the nail is really rough ... and irritating me to no I start to pick at the polish. Contrary to what I was told, I peeled all the polish off ... and I don't believe I have any damage to my nails ... SWEET! I guess in order to remove the polish, you ...

Menu Plan Monday - May 16 to 21

It's another Monday and that means time to link up with Organizing Junkie and her Menu Plan Mo nday party!  Geesh, it's 1pm already and I'm like #210! Hubby finally came home last night ... we were in the driveway at midnight. Yeah, I'm up already ... and tired as all get out. So glad I decided to lay low this weekend instead of going with the girlfriends otherwise it would be much worse.  Hubby said that he still has NOT had a chance to deal with the reality of all this ... he was busy getting everyone organized because that's what he does ... We both agreed that we need to get back to the gym routine AND to start eating healthier. One too many casseroles up there in Indiana :) Princess leaves for her cruise on Monday and returns on Friday and Sonny Boy only has this week and next for school ... but a lot of catching up from the missed week last week. Sunday - fend for yourself, leftovers Monday - Chopped salad ... anyway you like it (I've got grilled...

Crispy Not Fried Chicken

Another one from the May 2011 Women's Day issue ... 4 cups rice cereal 3/4 grated Parmesan cheese 2 tbs oil 1 tbs paprika 1 tsp ground cumin salt and pepper 1 cup plain yogurt, low fat 8 b/s chicken breast about 6 oz each (and seriously? I'm using my chicken strips that I picked up a month or so ago!) Heat oven to 350. Line a rimmed baking tray with parchment or foil. In shallow bowl (pie plate!), combine cereal, Parmesan, paprika, oil, cumin, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper.  Brush both sides of chicken with yogurt (or can I just slap each side down?) and coat with cereal mix, press gently to make adhere. Place on baking tray and bake til golden brown and cooked, 25 to 30 minutes. The magazine recommends serving with sauteed spinach, but of course, mine will probably have french fries along side :) Linking up with Tasty Tuesday (this weeks' theme for Jen is vacation food!) ... hop on over!

Beef - It's Whats For Dinner!

Well, sometime this week ... since I seem to have everything to make this, I may just put it on the menu for the week since the beginning of May has been a wash ... I'm really funny about meat baked in the oven. Something about it just really makes me say YUCK, for the most part UNLESS it's swimming in a sauce of sorts. So with all the air time I've had lately, I've really had a chance to read my magazines from front to back which is rather unusual for me :)  This one comes from Woman's Day, May 2011 issue ... 8 oz thin sliced shrooms (I'm using canned) 2 stalks sliced celery 1 lemon, thinly sliced 1 small red onion, sliced thin 2 tbs oil salt & pepper 2 lb sirloin steak, about 2 inches or so thick 2 garlic cloves, minced, or finely chopped 1 cup ketchup 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce Heat oven to 400 degrees. In roasting pan, combine shrooms, celery, onions, lemon, oil and 1/4 tsp of salt & 1/4 tsp pepper. Season ...

Costco Trip

Remember, last week I did a big Costco trip when we got back from Vegas? On Mother's Day. Yes, I did. Multigrain crackers $6.59 Annie Fruit Snacks $9.79 (which Princess hates) 12 pk individual serving pizzas $9.89 less $3 (x2) V8 (48 pk?) x 2 $19.99 each less $5 each (Hubby loves his V8 so I made an effort to get the low sodium!) 36 ct pudding $7.49 18 pk easy mac cheese $6.29 4 pk lysol wipes $11.99 less $2.75 18 pk Orbit gum $8.99 3 pk lysol toilet cleaner $6.99 less $2.75 12 pk coconut water $19.79 ... ehhh...I may take this back jelly belly jelly beans $15.99 2 pk listerine $9.19 less $2.50 1000 colored plastic cups (not really 1000 but alot) $7.99 lays baked chips 30 ct $10.89 less $2.25 2 lb strawberries $5.49 6 pk romaine $4.29 5 lbs tomatoes $5.99 3 pk english cukes $3.79 42 oz Citracel (extra fiber needed in our diet I believe) $21.19 less $3.50 10 lb chicken breast $21.39 50 ct Claritin reditab (which I forgot for Indiana) $24.99 less  $6 12 pk...

I'm Back

Its been a very dramatic week. Me and the kids finally got home at about 6pm. When we pulled in the drive, I told them both ā€œ7pm we leave for Mexican, get your bags unpacked and get showered. One hourā€. So of course, thatā€™s my intentions. Until I walk in and take about 5 steps through the living room and stop. Fast. Causing Sonny Boy to run into me and yell at me for stopping suddenly, yet again.   Um. Crap. Feathers. Lots of feathers. Are you freakin kidding me??   Sonny Boy! Yeah you kid. Go see where the bird is over there.   Because Iā€™m thinking crap, the thing was able to still flap its wings out of kittyā€™s reach and flew into one of the bedrooms! YIKES!   Nope. There it was, this pretty yellow and green bird, next to the empty food and water bowls. L   Crumb. FEATHERS WERE EVERYWHERE. Geez oh petes. And a bunch of other sayings not fit to publish.   So yeah. The kids unpacked their bags. HALF of their dirty clothes made it to the laundr...

Vanilla Iced Coffee Milk

I've never really done the South Beach Diet (surprise!) but love to read the cookbooks, for the pictures if nothing else! No really, I can just about curl up with any cookbook and get the inspiration to try something new instantly! I love my coffee, HOT, in the morning. But I almost always have a cup or so left in the pot every day, even with Sonny Boy taking some for his first block at school. So when I saw this, I thought, ah ha! *Suitable for Phase 1 if you are doing the program. 3 cups of strongly brewed decaf coffee, chilled. Ok, honestly, I wouldn't DREAM of using decaf. 1 cup fat free (or 1% milk) milk 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp granular sugar substitute (splenda, or whatever) 1/2 cup fat free or light whipped topping pinch ground cinnamon In a pitcher, combine coffee, milk, vanilla and sugar substitute, stir well. Fill 4 large glasses with ice. Pour coffee mix over ice. Spoon 2 tbs whipped topping on top of each. Stir gently so some mixes in with coffee an...

Menu Plan for May 8th to May 14th

Remember I did the whole month of May in one sweep? Also, remember, I said things are allowed to change, drop, rotate, repeat, etc? Yeah, this week is the allowable week ... I had a bunch of yummy looking things on here, such as pasta with my homemade sauce, chicken rolly polly thingys and so on ... but then, we got the news about my Hubby's funny, sweet mom and things just literally hit the floor. So, with him being gone, the kids and I in shock and grief, the fact that at some point this week we will most likely fly up North for a day or two to attend the funeral/memorial, Lord only knows what we will be eating and when. I've got 2 bags of chicken marinating in the fridge that was to have been dinner for Sunday and lunches for the remainder of the week ... need to cook them and freeze them before I leave... The kids must still eat .... even if I don't feel like it, and I really need to keep it simple so not a lot of planning needs to be made ahead of time (defros...

Catching Up, Happy Mother's Day and other news

I'm back from my trip to Vegas. It was great and I can't wait to do it again. Happy Mother's Day also. My Mother In Law called me this afternoon at 1pm. I was on my way to Costco. She was calling to say Happy Birthday, Happy Mother's Day and just all around how was the trip as she loves the place. We chatted for about 30 minutes, and then I told her that I needed to go in the store and know that the reception was sketchy in there and I would call her back this evening. She was all excited about the chance to get out on the patio and sit in the sun for awhile since her big foot surgery 4 1/2 weeks ago. 4:30 my Hubby gets a call from his brother, but Hubby says he will call him back and does not answer it. 6pm Hubby calls his brother back after listening to the voice mail message that said Mom was on her way to the hospital via ambulance (they live in the boonies so this is odd). 6:20pm, brother calls back and says that she has passed. How can that be?? ...

Menu Plan - The Whole Month of May

It's May already, can you believe it? My Boy, Sonny Boy, he will graduate in a month. Then what do I do?? As a Mom, that is ... oh dear ... We (me and Hubby) leave for Vegas in 2 days. Woopee! I am so stinkin excited it's not even funny any more! And because I'm starting the month off with a trip, the fact that the Boy is graduating high school, the fact that Princess has her last college final of the year today, AND my freezers are still pretty darn stuffed, I've decided to be ambitious myself and plan the whole month out. Not to mention that yeah, we'd like to continue with the gym and sort of healthier eating when we get back from our trip ... You know the rules, right? If it's not made the day it's suppose to be, that's quite ok, swapping IS allowed :) ... so here's what I'd LIKE to be making: Sunday: May 1st - chili cheese dogs Monday - baked ziti Tuesday - pizza Wednesday - VEGAS BABY (kids are on their own, probably 49 cent b...