Week 156 Meal Plan Monday - Using What We Have
Hi Hi! It's that time of the week again and whoa .... we are coming in to the HOLIDAYS fast!!
Is anyone else in panic mode that Christmas is like, FIVE days away?? How did that happen?? And then the following week is the New Year ... which also starts a new Whole30 for January! I started a new blog just for that and have been posting my Whole30 recipes over there. I'm also hoping to share my experience there as well so go check it out!
Anyway. I haven't been posting the menu plan the past few weeks as it's just been busy as heck at work and we've been traveling so really, not a whole lot to share. Doesn't mean that I don't plan, I do! I've started writing on the whiteboard the plan for the week so the rest of the folks in the house can see what I'm looking at too ...
Are you ready for Christmas?? I'm so not. But this year, I said I wasn't going to kill myself (mentally or financially) and so far, so good. Although, I am feeling a slight twinge at the lack of gifts below the tree. And I still want to do the stockings but that will just be a quick run to the store to pick up the usual stocking stuffers ;-) Luckily I have MOST of the food (I hope) for the Christmas Eve and Christmas dinners thanks to my Costco run over the weekend ... a few things still need to be picked up, but I'm leaving that up to Hubby (beef tenderloin, he wants potatoes too) ... oh we do NOT have any beers (well, regular stuff, anyways) so that's probably going to be a buy this week too ...
Here's what we are looking to make this week:

this time I will be cooking them and using the grill mat to prevent that big time char!

I will be using some of the tomatoes that were picked up at Costco as I don't have any romas
Monday - Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad ... can I tell you how embarrassed I am that the word Caesar is misspelled throughout that WHOLE post!?? Thanks for your wonderful spell checking skills, Google!
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday ... gotta keep the tradition going! I am not sure on the ground beef inventory so may have to use ground chicken or turkey but don't tell the Boy!
Wednesday - leftovers as I want to get the refrigerators cleaned out!
Thursday - Lasagna (frozen from Costco, easy way out) with ciabatta bread, large salad and a few appetizers along the way. I'm hoping to not have to go in to the office at all today and if that's the case, I'll be happy with all the time on my hands to do what I need to do ... the Boy works that morning, the Princess and new Beau both work doubles at their respective restaurant and not sure about Hubby but hot diggity dog, I may have time to crank up Pandora to the music I LIKE!!!

Friday - Merry Christmas!!! We will be having a beef tenderloin, macaroni & cheese (from Costco), caesar salad, and if Hubby has it his way, double baked potatoes (I prefer not to do these!). I will also make a small batch of meatballs and snausages for appetizers and cheese and crackers. It's suppose to be 85 degrees and we are hoping to make this a pool day before eating! How wild is that? We put the pool cover on Saturday so it should be warmed up to the uppers 80's by this day! Oh ... and mimosas in the morning and Vino and Champagne in the evening ;-) I may just stick to Baileys and coffee in the morning ;-)

Saturday - I am hoping like crazy that we have leftovers that we can eat this evening because I REALLY need to get the freezers in order and the fridges under control as well as the pantry before NEXT FRIDAY!
What are YOU making this week? Looking forward to sharing over at Organized Junkie's party ... go check it out!
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