Rice Cooker - Hard Boiled Eggs

One of the things I picked up at Costco was a new Rice Cooker. The one I have, well, I gave that to the Boy when he went away to college (so he could make his macaroni and cheese), not to mention, it was small as heck, like mini size!

So, I figured, you know, Hubby likes to make rice occasionally. The Boy makes brown rice in the microwave every other day and leaves the bubbly residue behind for ME to find when I go to heat something up (I hate a dirty microwave, totally wigs me out and sends me running for the windex!) ... so I grabbed the rice cooker ($29.95), a 10 pound bag of organic brown rice and a 20 pound bag of Basmati rice. I'm asking myself now, a whole week later, what the hell am I going to do with 20 pounds of Basmati rice? Anyways.

Then I was reading the recipe booklet that came along with the cooker. They had one recipe that said to add the eggs, unshelled, to the steamer basket.  Ok. That made me re-read it a few times. Unshelled? Did they mean out of the shell? Un Shell. I would think that's what they meant. But then the egg will run through the little holes so surely, they meant with the shell on, or intact?

And here's where the brain starts to wind up.

Hey! I wonder if you can hard boil eggs using the steamer??

Guess what?

You CAN!

Woohoo. They were perfect! Absolutely, perfect. Honest!

I eat a lot of eggs and try to keep some hard boiled ones on hand for salads and a quick snack ... but I hate boiling the big pot of water as it makes it really steamy in the kitchen ... and living in South Florida, we have plenty of humidity already, thank you very much ...

You know that I've tried baking them in the muffin tins and that had mixed opinions (the brown specks freaked everyone out).

And of course, I've done the bring to boil, put a lid on it and let them sit for 10 minutes. Even Hubby is trained now for that.

BUT what if you could simply add 2 cups water to the rice maker, put 6 to 12 eggs in the steamer basket. Close the lid and set it to 15 minutes and just leave the room and do whatever (in my case, shower) ... come back, remove the eggs and put in ice water ... and have PERFECT eggs?

Um, sign me up!

Seriously. No waiting for the water to boil.

No steam bath in the kitchen.

Minimal clean up ... Easy easy easy. No fuss what so ever!

Got a rice cooker?? Go ahead and give this a shot ... I'm telling you, there is no other way from here on out!

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  1. I love steaming eggs and they come out perfectly every time! I have not done them in the rice cooker, though, my rice cooker doesn't have a steamer basket like yours does, so I'm not sure how well it would work, but I'm going to have to see if I can think up a way to do it! I found this lovely idea on the Weekend Potluck link party and thought I’d stop by. I host a reipe link party, The Yuck Stops Here and I would love if you would stop by and share this idea/recipe. The party starts tonight (Tuesday) at 8pm ET and can be found on my blog, Hot Momma’s Kitchen Chaos. I hope to see you there! HUGS

    1. Thanks for the invite! My rice cooker IS a combined steamer/slow cooker/rice cooker, I guess I thought most had the steamer basket?

  2. We make boiled eggs all the time and I hate waiting for the water to boil. I will be making these as soon as I head to the store to buy more eggs (down to 3!)

    1. You gotta try it this way if you have a rice cooker with a steamer basket. I'm am so glad I found out you can do this!!

  3. You know, just recently I learned that you could make hard-boiled eggs in the oven. And now this! So cool. Wish I had known about this so much earlier! Thank you for linking at the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you again next week.

    1. The time I did the eggs in the oven, I thought it was great but everyone got freaked out because I had these brown spots on the eggs after peeling. I don't know if it was the eggs or what but no one wanted to eat them. They were fine and I ate them all! This is even better in my opinion (no brown spots!) as it doesn't heat up the kitchen!

  4. LOVE THIS TIP!! Thank you for sharing it with us at Treasure Box Tuesday- pinned! :)

  5. This is awesome! Another reason to think about getting a rice cooker.

    Thanks for linking up to Fabulously Frugal Thursday!

    1. Trust me ... the rice cooker is getting a lot of action around here lately! So worth the $30 it cost me me at Costco!

  6. I never knew this was possible. Very cool! I can also appreciate not steaming up the kitchen. I've been dragging my feet on replacing my rice cooker (it died). But it makes things much easier. My son loves hard boiled eggs and picked your post to feature at tonight's See Ya in the Gumbo potluck. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yeah! Thanks Michelle ... honestly, this is such a no-brainer that I don't think I'll ever boil or bake them again!

  7. Question...My Rice cooker doesn't Have A Timer, It's Just DOne When It's Done. ThinkThatMightWork????

    1. If you have the steamer basket, I'd think you could put the eggs in that, add water to the actual canister and then just manually time it after you start the cooker.

  8. I have a really crappy rice cooker that is buried in the back of a cabinet somewhere - but going to dig it out and try this. Will let you know if it works

  9. Question: Do you start the 15-minute countdown FROM THE TIME THE WATER BOILS, or FROM THE TIME YOU TURN ON THE RICE COOKER?

    1. 15 minutes from the time you turn on the rice cooker :-)

    2. Just tried with mine, didn't finish all the way after 15mins

  10. Judy tried this in mine, sadly didn't cook all the way through in 15 mins. Just added more time to see.

    1. I guess I need to clarify. I set the timer on the rice cooker for 15 minutes. The timer STARTS ticking after the rice cooker sensors tell it to. So, technically, maybe it IS when the water is heated up. I just never paid attention to it but I've got a new rice cooker that does everything and then some ;-)

  11. Seems that 15 minutes FROM THE TIME YOU TURN On THE UNIT is not enough. I'll try timing it from the time the water boils. I'll share my experience soon.

    1. I just left a comment above with regards to this. My rice cooker has a timer. That timer is set for 15 minutes. The rice cooker does it's thing and THEN the 15 minute timer kicks on. I guess it takes about 5 minutes or so to do it's thing for the sensor to start the timer? I typically just set it for 15 minutes and go off and do whatever around the house and didn't really pay any attention to it :) Give it a try again, adding a few more minutes on. Note that I don' t like my yolk to be 100% dry (see picture, just a speck in the middle is damp).

  12. Used this method last night and it worked perfectly! Thanks!

  13. I just picked up a Rice Cooker on a Black Friday special :) How long do you think to steam for soft/medium boiled eggs? Thanks for the recipe, I pinned for future use :)

  14. I don't have a timer on my rice cooker how would you do this?

    1. Based on some of the other comments, it would seem that once the rice cooker comes to temperature, time it from there at 15 minutes. Keep me posted on your results and hopefully your comment will help others who don't have a timer!

  15. I am trying this right now with my new rice cooker. I have never been able to get eggs just right, I usually overcook them and then mess them up trying to peel them. So I'm anxious to see how this works. Thanks, Jim

    1. Good luck and let us know how it works out for you!

  16. What i do is pour boiling water into the rice cooker and start timing for 15 minutes. Result: perfectly hard-boiled eggs.


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