Menu Plan Week 137 - Using What We Have
Hi hi ... it's that time again, ALREADY! Sunday Funday and time to get ready for the week ahead!
Can you believe it, the 2nd week of August. Those of you with school age children have got to be sad that, already, summer is coming to an end way quicker than years past, it seems. The tax free shopping week is here and that means I need to stay away from the stores, more so than usual, as I don't want to get in the middle of those who NEED to be buying supplies and those who WANT to buy supplies ... hmmm ... it's that Want vs Need thing again ...
Hubby's traveling again this week from Tuesday to late Thursday. We've got friends coming in for a week on Tuesday so Friday and Saturday should be fun entertaining nights, hopefully.
I need to get seriously get focused on my eating, drinking, living habits. Exercise? Yeah, that too. Doing 50 crunches, 50 squats and 50 walking lunges is nice and all, but not if it's only 1 day a month, you know? The weight is creeping up, the mid section is getting larger and softer and well, I feel like CRAP physically and mentally. Inflammation? We won't talk about that as it's become something that is just in the background constantly. I KNOW I can make it better and I just need to get focused. So this week, that's what I'm aiming for ...
Even though we plan on boating today, I'm hoping to get some food prep out of the way today before the week ahead, even though the week looks light at work, I've got stuff I'd like to be doing at home. So I'm hoping to make some mayo, grain free biscuits, and prep some salad stuff. I cleaned all 3 refrigerators out last Wednesday night and pretty much am down to very minimal veggies as some things were just hanging out too long so I'm looking at making ONE stop only this week at the store for salad stuff and milk for the family. It would be nice if that works out for me since I've done really well the past few weeks (since Costco) with shopping ;-)
*Update - we are under a boil water alert (lovely!) so things are going to be interesting after all on the cooking front. Luckily I had bought a 36 count water bottle flat from Costco for boating purposes that I tapped in to ... dishwasher is getting filled up quick though with breakfast. By the end of the evening, the dishwasher is tapped out and there is a full sink of dishes to be washed. Not a single thing was done food prep wise except removal of protein from the freezers. Boo.
I am aiming to eat ALL meals from home ... last week had ... THREE nights out! That was a little excessive, don't you think?? Granted, we had leftovers that fed lunch the next day, but still! Even with friends coming in, I'm going to shoot for patio meals!
Here's what I'm looking forward to making this week:
Sunday Funday -boating floating earlier in the day so something simple ... pork chops grilled on the grill with some green beans on the side. Chops are from the freezer (Costco) and green beans are in the garage fridge (Costco) ... I'm going to be upset if i have to throw the 2 bags of green beans out because I let them sit for too long!
Monday - Steaks and roasted broccoli on the grill ... yes, steaks on a Monday. Steaks from the freezer, broccoli in the fridge. The broccoli will be roasted on the grill this week as we have FINALLY gotten rid of the funky smell in the kitchen (not sure if it was Snuffy or another 'friend' of something we were cooking) and I really don't want to stink up the house again, so soon! Gosh, I'm really hoping TODAY the boil water alert is lifted so I can get back to washing dishes ... not to mention, I want to make some mayo and biscuits!!
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday ... will have mine as a taco salad. Beef in freezer (relocated to fridge to thaw), toppings in fridge. Will have the Boy make me some guac using the Wholly Guacamole (Costco) package in the freezer (I've got lots in there!)
Wednesday - chicken on the grill ... looking forward to a nice quiet evening ... will just do a quick olive oil with salt & pepper and a salad on the side
Thursday - leftovers and/or soup and salad/sandwiches ... Hubby comes in late (10ish) so I'll have a sandwich set up for him to eat. I will just have deli roll-ups ...
Friday - friends over for dinner, most likely, burgers on the grill (beef from freezer) with street fries (again, still waiting to make this recipe!). Will need to check the status of the potatoes in the fridge and will need buns also ... may serve up a side of cabbage salad. At some point this weekend ahead, I'd like to make some Salt & Vinegar Wings since I have everything on hand, and yes, I have a little craving for them!
This time, though, I will cook them in the oven and be in control ;-)
Saturday - most likely friends over again and I'm going to let Hubby make the call. Hopefully we will go boating with our friends and order out (pizzas, which I will need to avoid if that's the case)
What are YOU making this week?
Looking forward to sharing over at the Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday and some of these other great parties! Go check them out!
*So ... I think I'm finally going to take the plunge and go Paleo. Well, mostly Paleo. I can't do it 100%, I like booze ... I love beer! But I do know that cutting out the grains really helps out with my hands and since I'm starting to get some digestive issues to boot (not sure it that's part of that "change" that's happening or food related, but do know that what I eat does effect me!) ... and of course if I could lose a little of this fluffy sh*t, I'd be thrilled. I'm trying to decide if I want to share a page on this site or if I want to start another page with a daily food journal ... what do you think?
Can you believe it, the 2nd week of August. Those of you with school age children have got to be sad that, already, summer is coming to an end way quicker than years past, it seems. The tax free shopping week is here and that means I need to stay away from the stores, more so than usual, as I don't want to get in the middle of those who NEED to be buying supplies and those who WANT to buy supplies ... hmmm ... it's that Want vs Need thing again ...
Hubby's traveling again this week from Tuesday to late Thursday. We've got friends coming in for a week on Tuesday so Friday and Saturday should be fun entertaining nights, hopefully.
I need to get seriously get focused on my eating, drinking, living habits. Exercise? Yeah, that too. Doing 50 crunches, 50 squats and 50 walking lunges is nice and all, but not if it's only 1 day a month, you know? The weight is creeping up, the mid section is getting larger and softer and well, I feel like CRAP physically and mentally. Inflammation? We won't talk about that as it's become something that is just in the background constantly. I KNOW I can make it better and I just need to get focused. So this week, that's what I'm aiming for ...
*Update - we are under a boil water alert (lovely!) so things are going to be interesting after all on the cooking front. Luckily I had bought a 36 count water bottle flat from Costco for boating purposes that I tapped in to ... dishwasher is getting filled up quick though with breakfast. By the end of the evening, the dishwasher is tapped out and there is a full sink of dishes to be washed. Not a single thing was done food prep wise except removal of protein from the freezers. Boo.
I am aiming to eat ALL meals from home ... last week had ... THREE nights out! That was a little excessive, don't you think?? Granted, we had leftovers that fed lunch the next day, but still! Even with friends coming in, I'm going to shoot for patio meals!
Here's what I'm looking forward to making this week:
Sunday Funday -
Monday - Steaks and roasted broccoli on the grill ... yes, steaks on a Monday. Steaks from the freezer, broccoli in the fridge. The broccoli will be roasted on the grill this week as we have FINALLY gotten rid of the funky smell in the kitchen (not sure if it was Snuffy or another 'friend' of something we were cooking) and I really don't want to stink up the house again, so soon! Gosh, I'm really hoping TODAY the boil water alert is lifted so I can get back to washing dishes ... not to mention, I want to make some mayo and biscuits!!
Wednesday - chicken on the grill ... looking forward to a nice quiet evening ... will just do a quick olive oil with salt & pepper and a salad on the side
Thursday - leftovers and/or soup and salad/sandwiches ... Hubby comes in late (10ish) so I'll have a sandwich set up for him to eat. I will just have deli roll-ups ...
Friday - friends over for dinner, most likely, burgers on the grill (beef from freezer) with street fries (again, still waiting to make this recipe!). Will need to check the status of the potatoes in the fridge and will need buns also ... may serve up a side of cabbage salad. At some point this weekend ahead, I'd like to make some Salt & Vinegar Wings since I have everything on hand, and yes, I have a little craving for them!

Saturday - most likely friends over again and I'm going to let Hubby make the call. Hopefully we will go boating with our friends and order out (pizzas, which I will need to avoid if that's the case)
What are YOU making this week?
Looking forward to sharing over at the Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday and some of these other great parties! Go check them out!
*So ... I think I'm finally going to take the plunge and go Paleo. Well, mostly Paleo. I can't do it 100%, I like booze ... I love beer! But I do know that cutting out the grains really helps out with my hands and since I'm starting to get some digestive issues to boot (not sure it that's part of that "change" that's happening or food related, but do know that what I eat does effect me!) ... and of course if I could lose a little of this fluffy sh*t, I'd be thrilled. I'm trying to decide if I want to share a page on this site or if I want to start another page with a daily food journal ... what do you think?
Share it here. I love reading your blog!