Week 153 Menu Plan Monday - Using What We Have

So ... have you missed the past couple of weeks of my Menu Planning? I have! It's just been super busy at work and on the home front but so need to get back on track and do the right thing, both for ME and MY WALLET. I get to make an online payment on Monday morning for $6000.00 for property taxes ... I just L O V E doing that! So here we are, yet again! I'm hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was the same as it always is when we are home, we had friends over, fried 3 turkeys, ate too much and consumed too much tequila, wine and champagne. But I woke up Friday morning and walked to the library to return some books (score for me as no late fee and I got a little exercise in) then continued on to the bank to make a deposit (for property taxes that are due on Monday) and then back home. That little jaunt sort of helped my slight tummy distress but more than anything, I wanted to enjoy the weather! With that said, let me tell you ... since doing my first Whole...