Menu Plan Week 134 - Using What We Have
Here we are again, already, another week has just flown by!
I have NOT been to the grocery store since last Friday ... over a week ago! Hubby did buy 2 gallons of milk this past week, a package of hot dog buns and some beer, but other than that, nothing new was brought in to the house! Yes!
Then again, not a whole lot was really used up either ... I was out of the house 2 nights with my dad (another hospital visit, he's fine now but has a cold on top of everything else), and I did hit up the drive through on my way to work one morning after having 5 hours of sleep ... weak moment but otherwise, everything was ok. We stuck with the menu plan a few nights and the rest was just fend for yourself with leftovers, sandwiches, etc. We did go out Friday night for a date night (food and drinks) but were out more for adult beverages than food ...
The Pantry / Freezer Challenge is coming along just fine ... I need to update my freezer inventory on my phone and then transfer it to the blog ... it's just constantly changing ;-) I really need to tackle all 3 refrigerators and get them cleaned and organized and THEN tackle the freezers ... so that is Sunday's project ...
There will also be some meal prep for the week ahead. I just need to stay focused and make it happen, you know? But I like to laze around a bit on Sundays! But prepping ahead makes the work week so much easier and better in the end so I will stay focused ... some of the things I plan to do are boil eggs, make a batch of ranch dressing, cook up chicken breast (eggs and chicken for lunches), make some rice and hopefully get a crock pot meal started so it's just a heat and go meal one night. Well. So much for those grand ideas! I did managed to shred 2 8 oz blocks of cheddar cheese but THAT is it!
I anticipate a busy week ahead so hoping to keep things simple:
Sunday - leftover hot dogs and cheese spaetzle that we made for friends on Saturday night ... hot dogs were from the 4th of July shop that Hubby did and balance of stuff from fridge and pantry
Monday - 4 way chili (still have NOT made this the past few weeks!) ... will make mine with zucchini and all others with pasta. Chili in freezer (still) balance of ingredients in fridge and pantry
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday (surprise!) ground beef in freezer, balance of ingredients in pantry and fridge. Would LOVE to make the meat on Sunday so all I would need to do is reheat ... we will see
Wednesday - Chicken Tortilla Soup ... this is a new recipe and it's made in the crock pot ... I'd like to try and make it Sunday on the 4 hour setting but not sure if I will get around to that! All ingredients are on hand in pantry and freezer except the salsa verde, may just skip that ingredient to avoid a run to the store Will offer up Black Bean Quesidillas for those who feel they need more substance ;-) All the ingredients are in the pantry and fridge!
Thursday - leftovers ... I realize that I need to incorporate a leftover night back in ... Hubby doesn't take leftovers for lunch like we used to do in the old days so there has been a little more food waste than I like ... if not enough then there's always sandwiches, salad, etc.
Friday - looking at Flat Bread Pizza night most likely. Homemade, of course. I do have a batch of dough in the freezer and should have the balance of ingredients in the fridge and pantry. Would really like to try a new grain free dough recipe I have or maybe just a margharita frittata for me ... it depends on how my work day goes ...
Saturday - Hubby's choice ... he's good about using what we have on hand!
Looking forward to sharing over at Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday party ... go check it out!
I have NOT been to the grocery store since last Friday ... over a week ago! Hubby did buy 2 gallons of milk this past week, a package of hot dog buns and some beer, but other than that, nothing new was brought in to the house! Yes!
Then again, not a whole lot was really used up either ... I was out of the house 2 nights with my dad (another hospital visit, he's fine now but has a cold on top of everything else), and I did hit up the drive through on my way to work one morning after having 5 hours of sleep ... weak moment but otherwise, everything was ok. We stuck with the menu plan a few nights and the rest was just fend for yourself with leftovers, sandwiches, etc. We did go out Friday night for a date night (food and drinks) but were out more for adult beverages than food ...
The Pantry / Freezer Challenge is coming along just fine ... I need to update my freezer inventory on my phone and then transfer it to the blog ... it's just constantly changing ;-) I really need to tackle all 3 refrigerators and get them cleaned and organized and THEN tackle the freezers ... so that is Sunday's project ...
I anticipate a busy week ahead so hoping to keep things simple:
Sunday - leftover hot dogs and cheese spaetzle that we made for friends on Saturday night ... hot dogs were from the 4th of July shop that Hubby did and balance of stuff from fridge and pantry
Monday - 4 way chili (still have NOT made this the past few weeks!) ... will make mine with zucchini and all others with pasta. Chili in freezer (still) balance of ingredients in fridge and pantry
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday (surprise!) ground beef in freezer, balance of ingredients in pantry and fridge. Would LOVE to make the meat on Sunday so all I would need to do is reheat ... we will see
Wednesday - Chicken Tortilla Soup ... this is a new recipe and it's made in the crock pot ... I'd like to try and make it Sunday on the 4 hour setting but not sure if I will get around to that! All ingredients are on hand in pantry and freezer except the salsa verde, may just skip that ingredient to avoid a run to the store Will offer up Black Bean Quesidillas for those who feel they need more substance ;-) All the ingredients are in the pantry and fridge!
Yes, I realize that is a Mexican theme two nights in a row ... oh well ;-)
Thursday - leftovers ... I realize that I need to incorporate a leftover night back in ... Hubby doesn't take leftovers for lunch like we used to do in the old days so there has been a little more food waste than I like ... if not enough then there's always sandwiches, salad, etc.
Friday - looking at Flat Bread Pizza night most likely. Homemade, of course. I do have a batch of dough in the freezer and should have the balance of ingredients in the fridge and pantry. Would really like to try a new grain free dough recipe I have or maybe just a margharita frittata for me ... it depends on how my work day goes ...

Saturday - Hubby's choice ... he's good about using what we have on hand!
Looking forward to sharing over at Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday party ... go check it out!
Mexican is good every night! Thanks for posting. Hello from Menu Plan Monday.