Menu Plan Week 104 - Using What We Have
Here we are, the home stretch of 2014. What a year it's been, huh?
I used to look back and think of all the things I wanted to do but didn't, and then I realized that it was the equivalent of brain bashing ... so this year, I'm not going to do that ... instead, I will think of all the cool things we did and accomplished ... after all, I'm trying to focus MORE on the positive things in life!
So ... with the last few days coming in for menu planning ... I have some great ideas for the year on the menu ... for Christmas we got 4 new cook books that I really excited to try out ... (come back Monday for the post showing what we got!) ... and I'm even more excited to know that I have quite a few of the ingredients on hand already for the upcoming self imposed pantry/freezer challenge for January (yup, it's on, yet again! Stay positive!) ... I think my number one goal for the new year is to wake up New Years Day without a hangover so I can start off on the healthier eating plan!! ;-) Lets face it, hangovers mean greasy carby really bad food choices and I'd rather not start the first day of the new year like that!!
Ok, here's what we got planned for the week!
Sunday -looking at a mexican fest since I have everything on hand and HEY we can make margaritas! ;-) (and make more room on the bar and guest kitchen counter top). Tacos with the ground turkey (um didn't happen last week, will try to stash some away for Wednesday), fixins from the fridge, will also make the black bean and corn salad (most ingredients from pantry including Rotel tomatoes since I don't have any fresh ones)... SO ... this was changed at the last minute at noon on Sunday ... Winn Dixie has a special where you can fill up a bucket of wings for $12.99 ... ummm, yes, I can get a lot of wings in a bucket ;-) AND I still have some $5 off $30 coupons to use up before Wednesday ... so much for the thought of avoiding the grocery store til the last possible minute! Feeding 6
Monday -Smokey Crock of Pork ... pork tenderloin in freezer (not that I would want to use the TENDERLOIN but it's all I have), bbq sauce in fridge, will shred some cabbage to make a coleslaw and buns in pantry and freezer. I also have some sweet potatoes if I'm feeling ambitious enough to make some sweet potatoes fries ... Feeding 4
Tuesday - I would like to say leftovers and get the fridge cleared out and clean. If nothing is really left, we will make a modified version of Adult Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and tomato soup ...
Wednesday - New Years Eve! I am hoping to get out of the office by 3ish so I can be home and prepping by 4. We will have friends over (I'm guessing 12 to 14 total) and this year I'm going to ask everyone to bring champagne as I only have 2 bottles (well, I also have the Prosecco but I don't that counts for much more then Belllinis?) ... I want to make tiny tacos (came across this on Pinterest, will share if works but we just had tacos on Sunday!), bacon wrapped shrimp (bacon and shrimp in freezer), cheesy onion dip, cheese and cracker platter and possibly a small veggie tray with celery, carrots, peppers and ranch dip since I have the ingredients already on hand to make all ... Hubby might use his gift card to pick up a honey baked ham or honey baked turkey, not sure yet. I also have dinner rolls in the freezer I can pull out if needed ... feeding 12 to 14 (18 if both kids are here with friends). I only have 12 flutes so the kids may have to use brandy or sherry glasses.
Thursday - Happy New Year! It's a new year and new eating habits SHOULD kick in today ;-) As I have lots of chicken thighs, I'm leaning towards some Damn Fine Chicken with a salad on the side. Feeding 6
Friday - Umm ... hopefully we will all be back to the land of the living ... if so ... Chicken Parmesan (chicken in freezer, I believe) balance of ingredients in pantry. Will serve with a small salad and dinner rolls (freezer). Feeding 8 most likely (and yes, chicken 2 days in a row ... what can I say?)
Saturday - Hubby's choice or maybe over to some friends. I just need to stay focused on the smart eating and drinking choices ;-)
Looking forward to linking up with Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday ...
I used to look back and think of all the things I wanted to do but didn't, and then I realized that it was the equivalent of brain bashing ... so this year, I'm not going to do that ... instead, I will think of all the cool things we did and accomplished ... after all, I'm trying to focus MORE on the positive things in life!
So ... with the last few days coming in for menu planning ... I have some great ideas for the year on the menu ... for Christmas we got 4 new cook books that I really excited to try out ... (come back Monday for the post showing what we got!) ... and I'm even more excited to know that I have quite a few of the ingredients on hand already for the upcoming self imposed pantry/freezer challenge for January (yup, it's on, yet again! Stay positive!) ... I think my number one goal for the new year is to wake up New Years Day without a hangover so I can start off on the healthier eating plan!! ;-) Lets face it, hangovers mean greasy carby really bad food choices and I'd rather not start the first day of the new year like that!!
Ok, here's what we got planned for the week!
Sunday -

Monday -Smokey Crock of Pork ... pork tenderloin in freezer (not that I would want to use the TENDERLOIN but it's all I have), bbq sauce in fridge, will shred some cabbage to make a coleslaw and buns in pantry and freezer. I also have some sweet potatoes if I'm feeling ambitious enough to make some sweet potatoes fries ... Feeding 4
Tuesday - I would like to say leftovers and get the fridge cleared out and clean. If nothing is really left, we will make a modified version of Adult Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and tomato soup ...

Wednesday - New Years Eve! I am hoping to get out of the office by 3ish so I can be home and prepping by 4. We will have friends over (I'm guessing 12 to 14 total) and this year I'm going to ask everyone to bring champagne as I only have 2 bottles (well, I also have the Prosecco but I don't that counts for much more then Belllinis?) ... I want to make tiny tacos (came across this on Pinterest, will share if works but we just had tacos on Sunday!), bacon wrapped shrimp (bacon and shrimp in freezer), cheesy onion dip, cheese and cracker platter and possibly a small veggie tray with celery, carrots, peppers and ranch dip since I have the ingredients already on hand to make all ... Hubby might use his gift card to pick up a honey baked ham or honey baked turkey, not sure yet. I also have dinner rolls in the freezer I can pull out if needed ... feeding 12 to 14 (18 if both kids are here with friends). I only have 12 flutes so the kids may have to use brandy or sherry glasses.
Thursday - Happy New Year! It's a new year and new eating habits SHOULD kick in today ;-) As I have lots of chicken thighs, I'm leaning towards some Damn Fine Chicken with a salad on the side. Feeding 6

Friday - Umm ... hopefully we will all be back to the land of the living ... if so ... Chicken Parmesan (chicken in freezer, I believe) balance of ingredients in pantry. Will serve with a small salad and dinner rolls (freezer). Feeding 8 most likely (and yes, chicken 2 days in a row ... what can I say?)
Saturday - Hubby's choice or maybe over to some friends. I just need to stay focused on the smart eating and drinking choices ;-)
Looking forward to linking up with Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday ...
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