Menu Plan Monday - Week 177 - Whole30 / Paleo Inspired
It's been a little while since I've posted a Menu Plan post ... not that I haven't been planning, somewhat, but, man, life has been busy as heck around here ... but I did make time to hit up the grocery store on Sunday morning, do a little prep (salad stuff, made regular mayo and basil mayo and divied up the chicken thighs for lunches) and I also have a few blog post set up for the week ...
This is my morning view Monday through Friday as I drive to work ... it's a great way to start the morning, see those lovely palm trees (and the ocean behind them) and then when I get to work, the next 8 to 10 hours are consumed and just make my mind frazzled ... then I come home, Hubby has cooked dinner 75% of the time, eat, change clothes and then hop on the laptop for an hour or three of my new side gig I've been doing ... which honestly, I LOVE as I'm averaging $20 to $25 an hour which is pretty sweet for a work at home job (before you hound me for details, let me just say that this is what I do for a living those 8 to 10 hours per day at the office) ... but the whole goal with that additional side gig is to pay down debt AND set myself up for a work from home gig when 2016 ends since that is my end date at the office ... I want to be able to enjoy those palm trees for more than just a few minutes each day as I wait in traffic ...
Anyways ... what I was saying is that life is zipping past. Like, seriously, it's MID-MAY!? AND with all that above mentioned stuff, in addition to trying to sell our house, buy a new house and deal with day to day family crisis stuff, I've really been a hot mess ;-) SO this week, I'm planning the menu and giving it to Hubby to execute ... let's see how he does?
We are both tired and will just be eating leftovers (I ate a super late lunch so I will probably just have a small snack of berries or something) Hubby is looking at the fried rice and chicken he made on Friday ;-)
Steak Bites and roasted fingerlings ... will also offer a salad along side
Taco Tuesday ... been a while since we've done this and I have a bit of ground beef in the freezer that's too lean for burgers so Hubby said
Cracklin Chicken from Nom Nom Paleo ... first time making this and it's up to Hubby to perform! I will suggest that he do it outside on the grill to reduce the cleanup factor!
BLT Boats ... just because it's been a little while!
Turkey burgers on the grill since we have a whole sleeve of them still ;-) Guess you could say we've been avoiding them!
Hubby's choice and fingers crossed it's something healthy with no retaliation for the past week! ;-)
What are YOU making this week? I'm sharing over at Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday party ... go check it out!
This is my morning view Monday through Friday as I drive to work ... it's a great way to start the morning, see those lovely palm trees (and the ocean behind them) and then when I get to work, the next 8 to 10 hours are consumed and just make my mind frazzled ... then I come home, Hubby has cooked dinner 75% of the time, eat, change clothes and then hop on the laptop for an hour or three of my new side gig I've been doing ... which honestly, I LOVE as I'm averaging $20 to $25 an hour which is pretty sweet for a work at home job (before you hound me for details, let me just say that this is what I do for a living those 8 to 10 hours per day at the office) ... but the whole goal with that additional side gig is to pay down debt AND set myself up for a work from home gig when 2016 ends since that is my end date at the office ... I want to be able to enjoy those palm trees for more than just a few minutes each day as I wait in traffic ...
Anyways ... what I was saying is that life is zipping past. Like, seriously, it's MID-MAY!? AND with all that above mentioned stuff, in addition to trying to sell our house, buy a new house and deal with day to day family crisis stuff, I've really been a hot mess ;-) SO this week, I'm planning the menu and giving it to Hubby to execute ... let's see how he does?
We are both tired and will just be eating leftovers (I ate a super late lunch so I will probably just have a small snack of berries or something) Hubby is looking at the fried rice and chicken he made on Friday ;-)
Steak Bites and roasted fingerlings ... will also offer a salad along side

Taco Tuesday ... been a while since we've done this and I have a bit of ground beef in the freezer that's too lean for burgers so Hubby said
Cracklin Chicken from Nom Nom Paleo ... first time making this and it's up to Hubby to perform! I will suggest that he do it outside on the grill to reduce the cleanup factor!
BLT Boats ... just because it's been a little while!

Turkey burgers on the grill since we have a whole sleeve of them still ;-) Guess you could say we've been avoiding them!
Hubby's choice and fingers crossed it's something healthy with no retaliation for the past week! ;-)
What are YOU making this week? I'm sharing over at Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday party ... go check it out!
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