Week 157 Menu Plan - Using What We Have

Hi hi! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a relaxing weekend afterwards? We did. Well, I seriously considered starting the new round of the Whole30 on Saturday as that past week has had way to much alcohol floating around. I wasn't hung over on Saturday but dang, just tired and blah. Instead, I made myself a bowl of leftovers: beef tenderloin, green beans and riced cauliflower, all heated up in the skillet with a little ghee ... had a cup of coffee and then threw myself on the couch to watch a few movies ;-) We did really good in not killing ourselves financially or mentally on Christmas this year. I'm actually quite proud of ourselves. A lot of things have gone down around here and well, it was just more about everyone coming together and showing our love for one another. It was sunny and hot and the pool cover came off for all (except me) to jump in and play with the pool toys for a bit. That was nice. Ok ... so moving forward. the end of the year is fast approa...