Honey Ginger Jack - a Drink for the Sissy Girl

I am NOT a Jack Daniel's fan ... that would be Hubby ... and like me (and the Tequila), he received a few bottles of Jack Daniels, the plain ole normal kind, a large bottle of Gentlemen's Jack and a large bottle of Honey Jack.

Hubby, unlike Princess, is not a fan of the Honey Jack. Said it's not "real Jack", whatever that means!

So, I came across this recipe to try and use some of it up (instead of letting Princess drink it all, it's a large bottle and shes a small girl ;-) ...) and this is what we came up with:

1 oz Honey Jack
3 oz ginger ale
lime wedge and garnish

Using a tall glass and fill with ice. Add the Jack and ginger ale ... squeeze a wedge of lime over top, give a stir and toss in the lime wedge.

Sip and enjoy!

Now. Full disclosure: I not only dislike Jack, but ginger ale makes me want to toss my cookies. So, I had picked up a bottle of this stuff from Whole Foods not too long ago (for Hubby, not me!) thinking that maybe a better quality (aka, expensive) ginger ale would be better. Umm, NO. It is just more gingery! Uggg ::gag:: ...

This is good, it's tasty and as long as I sip on it, I'm ok, I don't get that throw up urge. Which, if you think about it, this might be the PERFECT drink for me as I won't be slugging them back faster than you can make them!!

I know, my reverse psychology is really over the top :-)  Even better? This fits the Pantry Challenge! Ha!

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  1. Love this idea and I am a sissy girl! Thanks for sharing on Show Me Saturday!

  2. Just found your blog and so far, liking it a lot! Between this and that chocolate chip cake thing, you're not only helping yourself get your pantry in order, but mine, too! We, too, have a bottle of the honey whiskey (I can't remember the brand) and haven't been able to figure out what to do with it! But I love ginger so I'm thinking this may be up my alley. :)

  3. Don't hate me, but I love ginger ale...even drink it plain...willingly! I know you are gagging now.
    Anyway, the honey Jack and ginger ale combo definitely appeals to me. Thanks for sharing, Jan!

  4. Thanks for coming to my last party and sharing the honey ginger drink, sounds delish! I am having another party and love if you stop by again. Thanks Maria http://www.simplenaturedecorblog.com/fabulous-friday-party-time/


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