Party Taters - aka Crack Taters

This dish has so many names, come to find out! So I just decided to keep it my way and call it "Party Taters" ... and like that evil Warmed Cheesy Onion Dip , it's addictive, hence, the AKA part ... During the months of November and December, the frozen hash brown coupons come out like crazy and the sales are over the top ... remember this and stock up your freezer during that time. And of course, hopefully, while you are trying to do a pantry challenge in the middle of summer, you will be able to remove a bag and make a little dent in the freezer! Here's what you need ... and of course, it's simple ;-) 1 large bag of frozen, shredded hash browns 2 16 oz containers of sour cream 2 bags (6oz) of bacon bits (oh heck, just buy the BIG bag from Costco or make your own as those little bags are a waste of money!) 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 2 packages of powdered ranch dip dressing mix (make sure you are using the dressing packet, not the DIP) Combi...