Week 60 Menu Plan - Using What We Have
AND ... entering Week 36 of Hubby's Unemployment Adventures ...
Hubby is officially over his unemployment benefits. We don't believe the Extended Benefits are available any longer ... which means we've lost the $1100 a month that was coming in ... time to tighten the belt up one more notch ...
I am off today, President's Day ... Hubby is on his way to his FIRST face to face interview ... fingers crossed that its something of interest. He wasn't excited about it until YESTERDAY when he started researching the organization (municipality) and started looking at the budget, fleet size, etc. If nothing else, it was good to see him motivated and excited this morning...
I'd like to stay out of the stores for the most part this week ... Sunday nights adventures was provided for using my grocery cash I had on hand as I didn't feel like running to the bank ... I figured I've got $40 left and that should be PLENTY ... since we are tightening up the belt a little more :-) I see we need milk and bread. Non-Essential items would be cilantro IF I want to make salsa the best way ... I can do without if necessary ...
Here's how I'm hoping the week pans out:
Sunday - I was out with girlfriends enjoying Prickly Pear Margaritas ... had a slice of pizza before I left. Hubby had the leftover lobster and half of the steak from Friday night ... not sure what the Boy did
Monday - Chicken Lettuce Wraps ... gonna have to use romaine lettuce, not sure how that's going to work out :-) ... ground chicken from freezer, rest of stuff in fridge/pantry

Tuesday - Tacos (salad for me!). Ground beef in freezer, balance of ingredients in pantry/fridge. Will also make a batch of salsa, although I need cilantro!

Wednesday - Crock pot Day! Ranch Chops with mashed taters (chops in freezer, taters are the pre-made ones in fridge and balance of ingredients in pantry/freezer

Thursday - homemade pizza ... I had mixed up the dry ingredients on Saturday to fix Hubby's pizza craving and then he talked me in to ordering something instead ... I want to give this recipe an honest try because it almost seems too good to be true!
Friday - Hubby's choice ... if everyone is going to be around, will lean towards burgers and brats on the grill ... if just us, chicken on the grill ... all meat is in freezer and would only need to buy buns
Saturday - Hubby's choice again...maybe fish IF the Boy is not around ... we have lots of fish in the freezer still
The 2-3 week Pantry Challenge in January did help out but just like that, I seemed to have filled up the pantry and freezers again ... to the point where I had to take the ice cream chiller bowl out of the freezer to make room for something ... So yes, I think I can bypass the store for the most part this upcoming week.
What are YOU planning for the week ahead?
Linking up with Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday ... go check it out!
Hubby is officially over his unemployment benefits. We don't believe the Extended Benefits are available any longer ... which means we've lost the $1100 a month that was coming in ... time to tighten the belt up one more notch ...
I am off today, President's Day ... Hubby is on his way to his FIRST face to face interview ... fingers crossed that its something of interest. He wasn't excited about it until YESTERDAY when he started researching the organization (municipality) and started looking at the budget, fleet size, etc. If nothing else, it was good to see him motivated and excited this morning...
I'd like to stay out of the stores for the most part this week ... Sunday nights adventures was provided for using my grocery cash I had on hand as I didn't feel like running to the bank ... I figured I've got $40 left and that should be PLENTY ... since we are tightening up the belt a little more :-) I see we need milk and bread. Non-Essential items would be cilantro IF I want to make salsa the best way ... I can do without if necessary ...
Here's how I'm hoping the week pans out:
Sunday - I was out with girlfriends enjoying Prickly Pear Margaritas ... had a slice of pizza before I left. Hubby had the leftover lobster and half of the steak from Friday night ... not sure what the Boy did
Monday - Chicken Lettuce Wraps ... gonna have to use romaine lettuce, not sure how that's going to work out :-) ... ground chicken from freezer, rest of stuff in fridge/pantry
Tuesday - Tacos (salad for me!). Ground beef in freezer, balance of ingredients in pantry/fridge. Will also make a batch of salsa, although I need cilantro!
Wednesday - Crock pot Day! Ranch Chops with mashed taters (chops in freezer, taters are the pre-made ones in fridge and balance of ingredients in pantry/freezer
Thursday - homemade pizza ... I had mixed up the dry ingredients on Saturday to fix Hubby's pizza craving and then he talked me in to ordering something instead ... I want to give this recipe an honest try because it almost seems too good to be true!
Friday - Hubby's choice ... if everyone is going to be around, will lean towards burgers and brats on the grill ... if just us, chicken on the grill ... all meat is in freezer and would only need to buy buns
Saturday - Hubby's choice again...maybe fish IF the Boy is not around ... we have lots of fish in the freezer still
The 2-3 week Pantry Challenge in January did help out but just like that, I seemed to have filled up the pantry and freezers again ... to the point where I had to take the ice cream chiller bowl out of the freezer to make room for something ... So yes, I think I can bypass the store for the most part this upcoming week.
What are YOU planning for the week ahead?
Linking up with Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday ... go check it out!
Lettuce wraps sound very yummy!!