Week 61 Menu Plan - Using What We Have

And ... entering Week 37 of Hubby's Unemployment Adventures. After last weeks statement about tightening the belt one more notch, we ate out THREE times ... and the menu plan fell off the cliff. Geez Louise. So, time to brush the dirt off my butt and get moving again with the plan! I'm trying to hold out going to the store, however, Costco is in sight. I've got some chicken thighs that were really funky looking and smelling, skin had green/grey stuff all over them and they smelled like some kind of chemical. We've had some bad luck with these lately and I finally told Hubby that I'm taking back all the boneless one's I have. It's just ridiculous that I spend that much money and then end up throwing the meat out and not having anything to prepare for dinner. Makes for one very unhappy camper :-( It's the last week of February, for which I'm thankful as it's been a long, rough month ... not that I want to push for March (the third month of t...