Black Friday (it's Madness!)

In many years as an adult, I (we) never did participate in Black Friday.

We had friends (and Thanksgiving guest) who would wake up at 3am, slug down a cup of coffee and dash out the door by 3:15am to get the VERY best deal they could.

I just could never see the reasoning behind it all. I mean, seriously, this is when people are at their worse, behavior wise.





Last year, we DID do Target at 4am. We got up. Slugged down a cup of coffee. Got there an hour before the store opened. Oh. We being me, Hubby and Sonny Boy ... needed him for his muscle. :)

There was a line around the building (mall). OMG. What have we signed up for??

We went for 2 TVs.

We left with 2 TVs.

No thanks to ME :).  Hubby had scoped out the situation on the Wednesday before to see WHERE the TV's were ... not knowing that the special deals would not be ON THE SHELF (doh!). So him & Sonny Boy head straight to the back of the store where the appliances were.

Me? I veered to the right and cut through the baby section and what was that straight ahead???? A pallet full of the TVs.

Of course, there are no manly men in my troop with ME. So I'm struggling to get the two TVs off the pallet and fend everyone else off ... (it was scary!) ...

Finally, after dragging the 2 TVs towards the checkout, here come the Big Boys! At last.

We were out of the store by 5:15am.

We were sitting in IHOP at 5:30am.

Home by 6:15am.

TV #1 set up by 7am.

Back in bed by 8am.

Am I doing it this year? No. Remember ... I'm on an SRS program!


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