Frugal Wear
so, the other evening, on my way home from work, I had to stop at Goodwill to drop off a bunch of stuff that I had planned on selling at a yard sale, but time got away from me. I dropped the stuff off, got my receipt, parked my car and decided to run in and gave myself exactly 10 minutes to browse.
That's what I found. A pair of almost new running shoes. In MY size!!! wowee.
Swiss K ... googled them, retail for $75.00 new. Ok, not that BIG of a deal, but to me it is. I've got the $100 pair of Sketcher ShapeUps but they have been causing a few issues with the one foot lately (I still need to post my review of these things soon).

$7.00. Then I spotted a brand new (no box) foot spa/pedicure/massager thingy by Homedics. Woohoo! I've been wanting one of them for quite a while but just could NOT justifiy the cost. $7.00
Washed the shoes. Removed the inserts and put in my gel ones that I got in my old shoes. Washed the foot spa/pedicure/massager thingy and put it in the closet for now (we have family in town, all boys, so now is NOT the time to pamper myself!). Wore the shoes last night for my walk and all I can say is WOW. The toe area is very wide. Almost clownish looking. But I think that's what I need in a sneaker as my toes and the bottom of my feet don't end up cramping and "bruising" towards the end of my walk (3 miles or so). I'm one happy camper!
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