Shoes. Amazing what a cool pair of shoes will do f or your attitude. All for $5.99. Sweet. By Karvings, Inc. Wood heel hand carved. So cool!

I spent a total of $24 a few nights ago at Out of the Closet thrift. I got another pair of cool shoes (pics to come), 2 tops, a cool jacket for the office and an Anne Klien 2 piece suit which really, I only wanted the jacket. Tops were $1 each, jacket was $4 and the whole suit was $4.50. Other pair of shoes? Even cooler than these little guys (more dressier) and $7.99
Then this past Thursday, had to go to Lowes to pick up the new patio chairs we had ordered, and drop off a few bags at goodwill. Managed to snag a Bamboo Trader's black skort with blue whales on them. $3 ... whoohoo!
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