So do you think it’s good or bad when your employer gives you the news 2 months in advance that your healthcare premium and costs will be substantially more expensive in 2009.
DH just sent me an email stating (again) that he’s only going to say this “once”, if anyone has any pending health issues that need to be looked at, to do it now.
I am starting to think that he may be concerned for his company and his job. Hmmm. That does not make me comfortable at all. Used to be, heck, if worse comes to worse, we have our savings/investments to tide us over but now it’s like WHAT savings? I believe our statement shows we lost over $30K last month (September). I’m sure it’s not over yet (although the market is DOWN and then way UP within minutes … freaky!)
Smelly Shoe Fix!
Honestly, we have real good hygiene habits in my house, I can assure you of that! But, lets face it, living in paradise with 125% humidity can be a little trying sometimes ... my running shoes (which have NOT seen much running action for quite a while) get a little ripe smelling ... and oh man, you should smell the shoes that Hubby wears outside in the yard, patio, garage and boat that constantly get wet ... enough to suck the oxygen right out of your body ... whew! Then you have the Boy ... who works out pretty darn hard and doesn't always wear socks, nor does the Princess ... I mean, seriously, I've had to throw shoes away because you could smell them just sitting there. No one wants to be the person that people are wrinkling their nose at when they are walking by you! So when I saw the featured post for the Smelly Shoe Solution (and dang, I'm still trying to find the original post because I had no need to bookmark it, such a simple fix!) Yes. That's IT!...
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