30 Days of Nothing, Day 8
$ - $6 ($3 to each kid for lunch today)
Well, after what turned out to be an expensive weekend (day 6 particularly!), I am ready to get refocused and back on track! I can do this!!
Of course, I’m sitting in my office, hungry and realize it’s only 11:40am. I’ve nibbled on my lunch (rice, chicken & peppers, all from freezer) and know I’m going to be dying by the time I get home at 7:15pm. Grrrr.
I realize about 10 minutes ago that I really should have brought one of the 2 liter bottles of soda and the cut up watermelon to have in the fridge here. Odd, I’m only starving on Mondays at the office! I know, I should not be drinking soda. I don’t really drink that much, it’s just when I get a craving for some coke, it’s bad .
Breakfast – eggs & waffles
Lunch – kids got bagels, chips & juice and option to buy if desired
Dinner was kind of up in the air this morning, but when I took the photos, spotted the bag of taco meat that I had made with ground chicken. Out that bad boy came and I grabbed the open can of refried beans & put that in a tupperware dish to rehead too. So there you have it, dinner is tacos and I have everything READY to go when I get home! Woohoo!!
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