Grocery Shops in Review #4

Hey! Did you miss last week's review?? That's because I didn't go to the store again! Well, we were out of town on Thursday Friday and Saturday to MD Anderson and we did spend quite a bit on food eating out but that does not count towards my grocery budget. The hotel we stay at does have a Krogers within walking distance and we did buy some bottled water along with some sweets for Hubby ... oh, and I did buy a few little containers of cut up fruit and a Breakfast Bistro Box ... our total was under $20 ... Sunday - February 3, 2019 Aldi - $101.19 I do feel like this shop made up for the past two weeks! 3 pkgs cream cheese $.99 each OJ $2.35 2 bottles of BBQ sauce $1.99 each 3 bags of Werthers Candy $2.89 (my dad) 2 pkgs taco seasoning mix $.29 each 4 pk TP $2.19 2 boxes of tissues $1.19 each large container of spring mix $3.49 organic grape tomatoes $2.49 blueberries $1.69 2 lbs sweet onions $1.69 cottage cheese $2.29 sour cream $.99 2 contain...