Grocery Shops in Review

Hey hey, are you here to see what we bought and spent this past week at the grocery store?? I have a lot of catching up to do! I had a Costco delivery on Saturday, June 16th ... can I just tell you how great that is?? I spent $188 and got everything I wanted (veggies, black bean burgers, water, and a bunch of other stuff) within 2 hours of placing the order on line. Seriously?? Why would I ever fight for another parking space again?? Same day delivery is via InstaCart BUT if you go through the Costco app, there is no delivery charge! Also, the price is marked up a *little* but nothing that would make me say it's the same or more than a local grocery store so yes, I recommend it! And then I had a Walmart pick up on Wednesday, June 20th ... that is a game changer as well - got me 36 Kcup pods for the price of 18 as they didn't have any in stock! Again, I placed my order that morning before I went to work and told them I would be by to pick up between 5 and 6pm. They se...