Grocery Shops in Review

Hey, hey, looking to see what we've bought in the past week or so? Ugh, I haven't shared one of these post since ... late APRIL!? Sorry. Sorry, really, I'm sorry! I have most of my receipts but gosh, I can't recreate 6 weeks or so! We were in Houston the first week of June and then did a quick stop on Sunday morning at Winn Dixie ... I think we spent around $35 but I'm not 100% certain. The Princess, Baby Boy and Hubby In Law were here for the day and I wanted to make some hot dogs, baked beans and corn so a super quick stop was in order. Of course, I must have tossed that receipt! Seriously, though, go check out the recipe for the corn! Spot On! So we went the WHOLE week without a shop ... and then Whole Foods - June 15th, 2018 Total Spent - $101.60 Honestly, I went in with just a few things I wanted to get: watermelon, cucumbers, some other fruit and a bottle of wine ... yeah, right. Nom Nom Paleo Magic Mushroom Seasoning $7.99 peaches $3.95 (...