Grocery Shops in Review

Hey, hey, looking to see what we've bought in the past week or so? Hubby was out the previous week, home for his 4th treatment and then flew out again on Saturday morning. The only good news on that is that we didn't shop a whole lot those 2 weeks ... So after he flew out Saturday morning, I came home and cleaned house at 6am ... had to wait for the medical pickup people to pick up the defective pump from this week (yeah, Hubby was hooked up for 48 hours and only got, maybe, 1/3 of the poison. He knew it wasn't working right and even called to do a check of everything) and THEN I knew I had to hit up a store! Not my best choice.... Whole Foods - April 28th, 2018 Total Spent - $116.63 Yeah. Quite a bit more than planned AND I still need some other things. Ugh. 3.48 pounds of b/s chicken breast $13.89 ($3.99 a pound) 4 pkgs of ground beef (90/10) that were $4.99 a pound - $5.11, $4.84, $5.24 and $5.19 SO Delicious coffee creamer $4.79 bottle of Rose wine $...