Grocery Trips in Review

The Boy and I hit up Costco on Tuesday ... only because Hubby took a road trip to Ocala to see his sister. We originally planned to go on Monday but the Boy opted to spend time with some friends so we went on Tuesday instead. I went to Trader Joe's on Monday, which, in hindsight, was pretty dumb on my part. Oh well. I love Trader Joe's ... my wallet, not so much! But I can justify it the majority of the time, just as long as I stay under $50 ... and I can't tell you the last time I did that. Bummer. However, there are some things that we just can't buy anywhere else that's acceptable. A few of those things: frozen macaroni and cheese frozen cooked shrimp decent, inexpensive wine onion salt (!!) and, of course, that riced cauliflower Of course, I didn't buy all that stuff but a bunch of other things ... Trader Joe's - March 19, 2018 Total Spent - $72.89 I guess I should be glad it was under $100, right? about 4...