Black Bean Soup

While we are in Indiana visiting family, I'm also stocking my father in law's freezer with easy single serve things for him to grab and reheat to eat. He's diabetic and just doesn't always think to eat. Most times, he's not even hungry but realizes that he's not eaten for 14 or so hours (skips breakfast, nibbles for lunch and expects dinner at 5pm) so this is perfect for when we are NOT there. Funny enough, the one time I was under a Pantry Challenge, the Boy had been eating all my black beans, apparently. I went to make this one evening and imagine my surprise that I couldn't find any black beans! Oh! By the way! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Ahem. Anyways. It would seem that Sonny Boy has been doing his own meal prepping and is putting together the fixings for knock of Chipolte Burritos using brown rice (pantry) corn (pantry) and ... you guessed it, black beans (pantry). I can't be mad at the kid, you know? ;-) So there was an Aldis trip bright and ...