Frugal Activities

Hey hey, it's time to share the Frugal Activities post and I know a lot of you liked them because of my full disclosure too! So, what the heck, since I seem to have fallen off the Menu Plan Post, let's revive the Frugal Activities shall we? I generally try to start my week on Monday with it ending on Sunday Here are some of our Frugal Activities that we did this past week! 1. Stayed OUT of the stores this week up until Thursday. Trying very hard to stick with a one day a week shopping plan and this week it worked. However, I sort of blew the budget, see #1 in the Not So Frugal Activities below. 2. Did my own manicure. Like I've said before, it's not spa quality, but plenty sufficient for me and work. Saved $20, well worth it to do it yourself! I even used that same color! 3. Made an extra $200 debt paydown payment ... I think I have $200 left on this particular credit card and that will pay off the new computer. This money came from Digit savings...