Deconstructing a Watermelon

Whenever I walk through the produce section at Whole Foods and Publix, I'm amazed at the amount of prepackage, cut up fruit. Like really? $4.99 per pound for YOU to cut up MY fruit? No thank you. That's not very kind to my wallet and well, to ME, nothing beats the smell of fresh cut watermelon in the kitchen ... too bad we can't bottle it and sell it as a room freshener! We'd all be rich! Anyway. I do understand the fact that some people just don't want the hassle dealing with a whole melon. BUT really, the mini melons they have now days make it much more dealable! I picked up 2 melons the other day for $5. And I promptly cut one up on a Wednesday evening, AFTER I got home from working all day and grocery shopping. Yup, I did. Because, really, it's not so very difficult. Wash melon and dry Place on cutting board and get out your sturdiest knife. I am a big proponent of good knives ... you don't have to spend a fortune but certainly t...