Preserving Avocados

I wasn't a fan of avocados until, oh, a year or so ago ... I mean, like really a fan ... as in, every time I go to the store, I check out the avocado selection and price to see if it's worthy! By far, Aldis has been the BEST place and price to pick them up ... and they were 59 cents each a few weeks ago , so I picked up 4 ... not knowing that I still had FIVE at home in the fridge!! YIKES! THIS is how food waste happens in real life. See, we have upwards of 6 adults eating in this house, and friends ... so sometimes, usually most times, if I don't eat the avocado within a day or so, one of the other mini-adults will eat it and then I have none when I go back to eat it ... boo.. Cell phone picture So, here I was, I had NINE avocados at one time, and 4 of them were pretty darn ripe ... so I made guacamole, for ME and the girlfriend ... but of course, that's still alot of guac for 2 people, so I set aside 3/4 of the mix before adding the onions, jalapenos and ci...