DIY - Cinnamon Vodka

You all know that I am NO longer allowed to drink Fireball, right? Apparently, if I drink it too late in the night, I tend to drink MORE and then I get all pukey ... not a good thing by any one's standards, trust me. The thought of Fireball makes me shudder now. Any way. Vodka, on the other hand ... well, that certainly got Hubby's attention ... and then we were thinking, ahhh, Indiana in the winter ... how comforting! Maybe? I don't know. All I DO know is that I made this in a small batch (Hubby wanted a whole bottle's worth!) to make a apple cider grown up drink and I'm hooked now! I do wish I had made a double batch as this lasted one evening! It's easy to make and remember, the longer you let it sit, the hotter it will be! 1 cup vodka (seriously, I always say go with a better quality when it comes to booze) 1 cinnamon stick (courtesy of Aldis!) 1 tsp sugar Put the vodka in a pint size canning jar. Add the cinnamon stick and sugar. Put the...