Frugal Activities #19

I really like doing this post as it keeps me accountable and makes me think twice about some things ... It's been a few weeks since I've done this update ... between being sick and just not having ANY motivation, not much more to say ;-) We have been somewhat frugal lately ... in some areas ... other areas, not so much ... so here we go, our Frugal Activities for the past few weeks: 1. Utilizing the health insurance and getting to the doctor with our co-pay of $30 (that does NOT seem inexpensive at all!) ... Hubby was given a z-pac, steroids and something else ... I'm still dealing with this cough and some chest congestion ... I'm going to have to go back to the doctor as I don't think I'm in the clear just yet. Antibiotics and steroids cost $10 each. 2. Staying out of the grocery stores for the most part. Did make a stop at Costco the other night on way to see dad for a few things he needed and I picked up some stuff too. Used my rebate check of $107...