
Showing posts from January, 2009

No Spend February

So in honor of my participation in the No Spend February over at MomAdvice (which I'm already kicking myself for commiting to, I really wanted to get that 10 lb leather medicine ball ... oh well, maybe my hands will finally toughen up with the hard 8 lb'er) ... I decided to go ahead and make the whole month menu. Since I have NOT been sticking with my menu plans very well at all (tired after the gym, not hungry, everyone grazes) I am hoping this works . I've gone through my household notebook and put the recipes in the corresponding days and I'm only missing 2 (teriyaki chicken & pizza). Oddly, I believe I have everything I need for these 25 meals (I left 3 Saturdays open for dh to choose) and would not have to go the grocery store except for milk and produce. Yeah right. Sure would be nice if I could avoid all grocery shopping with that exception. Can I do it? I don't know. Sure I can. I don't know. See, my problem. Well, never mind. By the way, has anyo...

January 09 Month End Results

Well, itā€™s not all I thought it would be. Good lord. Just based on the budgeted/accounted part, Iā€™m $20 less than I had coming in. Yeah, in the red. Huh. I even spent less than the $600 for groceries, but not by much. Based on this, I am joining in over at MomsAdvice for the No Spend February. Granted, my 30 Days of Nothing with Owlhaven didnā€™t go so well either. Grrr. Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. Here are the end results for January FPL $330.00 T-Mobile $120.00 AT&T donā€™t see a payment so that is going on February Comcast $110 Food $502 (granted, this is MY total, dh did a few random stops but nothing substantial, I hope) Bugman $24 Car Gas $40 Car ins $279 Water $120 Sprinkler $15 Cap1 $100 AE/Gym $1200 with more being paid on Feb. 2nd Blockbuster $18 Best Buy $50 Kids lunches $80 So, the AX bill really got me. Geesh. I forgot about the additional $ I had put on it & the taxes. Had paid the majority of taxes ($3500) at end of December with all intentions of payi...

Stellar Publix Shopping Experience

Quaker oats granola bars (4) $3.07 minus $2.00 and b1g1f Dentyne gum (2 pk) $1.19 Trident gum (2 pk) $1.19 Pretzel chips (2) $3.19 minus $1.50 each and b1g1f Hunts tomato sauce (8) $1.49 each minus $4 and b1g1f Stacys bagel/pita chips (4) $10 total minus $6 8 oclock coffee (4) $5.49 each minus $4 and b1g1f Wheat thins/triscuits (4), $3.49 each, minus $4 and b1g1f Velvetta cheese (2), $3.59 each minus $2 and b1g1f 32 oz Gatorade (4), $1 each, minus 55 each and 35 each (10 cents each!) Total $25.54. Total savings $64.13 I must say, the cashier is not happy at all about all the coupons. I delibertly went when it was slow Friday morning but still. She was not at all happy. Oh well. I won't post about this mornings shopping trip. Stellar, but not as much, paid $90.01 and saved $127.38
I will be posting my month end totals shortly to see how it matches up to the post from here: I am glad I stayed below the $600 on the food part. However, my AE was way more than I had thought. My mistake, I forgot about the gift cards and a few other things I had used it for during December. Uggg. Thatā€™s why credit cards are bad, you donā€™t always remember what youā€™ve used them for. Anyway. I will also post about my great stop at Publix on the way in to work Friday for non-perishables. Friday mornings around 8am are very slow in the grocery store by my house. And thatā€™s why I stop there with all my coupons. Spent $25, saved $67. Not bad. Of course, the cashier is not at all happy with all the coupons. She is one that insist on the coupons before she starts ringing, and she fights each and every one of them. I donā€™t understand it, but oh well. The highlight of my week? 32 oz gatorade for 10 cents a bottle. Dang I wish I had snagged more of them coupons. But I donā€™t want to be a coup...
Special finds at Publix Because Iā€™ve been looking for thenew sale booklet that mentioned, Iā€™ve been in Publix 3 times already since yesterday morning! I also took advantage of the ā€œin store saleā€ of Rotel, buy one get free. Remember, Publix had that coupon in the booklet for $1.00 off (there were some GREAT coupons in this month) but of course, canā€™t find anymore of the books! Iā€™m glad I snagged as many as I did. Anyways, yesterday morning, stopped & bought 8 cans of Rotel. Used 3 30 cent off coupons and 4 $1 off coupons. Paid, 26 cents. For all 8. Yahoo! In the meantime, I see 35 cent off coupons for any size gatorade. Remember, there are 55 cent off coupons too in the publix booklet. This week Publix has the big bottles for 3 for $5. Then I see these other coupons for $5 off a $20 deli platter with purchase of $10 or more of pepsi or gatorade products. Snagged 2 of them coupons to use later. This mornings stop (after dropping kids off at 7a...

Free coffee in Palm Beach & Broward County on Wednesday

Panera Bread is calling it Share the Warmth. All day Wednesday, all 19 Panera locations in Broward and Palm Beach counties are giving away free 16-ounce cups of its new light and dark roast coffees. From 6:30-11 a.m., you can also get a free sample of three grilled breakfast sandwiches and the new strawberry granola parfait. NOTE: As this is a fundraiser, please feel free to donate $1 for Operation Dough-Nation Community Breadbox

Spending the g/c before it arrives

Another quarter has come and gone in the office, which means I have another $200 giftcard coming my way. Should get next week or thereafter. So Iā€™m wondering what to do. What to buy. Usually, I buy something for the house. Like the ice cream maker. The blender. The food processor. And so on. Sometimes, I use it for surprise purchases, like new shoes for the kids (last years sneakers were $89 each). Iā€™ve saved it for dinner out a few times. And Iā€™ve used it for groceries. Really, it should be for fun stuff. Stuff that I WANT, not need. But as Iā€™m trying to change that way of thinking, Iā€™ve been doing a little shopping in my head. Iā€™ve decided (for the most part) to take that $200 (really, $198) and buy meat. Chicken. Hamburger. Pork tenderloin. Pork Chops. Steaks. I would normally go to Costco to do this. But Costco does not take anything except American Express and Debit Cards. So, looks like Iā€™ll be going to BJā€™s. OR maybe Iā€™ll venture to Sams and try a free day membership. Do...
Iā€™ve been sick. Not sick sick. Just sick. 2 nights of Nyquil and sound, snoring, drooling sleep. Headache. Major. Sinuses hurt. But not stuffy or runny. Cotton head. Fuzzy. Tired. Achy. Blah. No gym last Thursday. My free day off from work (thanks to Mr. Kingā€™s birthday) was spent laying around on th couch, then the recliner, then the couch. Stayed away from the bed. And now at work, just blah. No motivation.

Publix Tip!

Had to run in to Publix this morning (at 7am) to get a gallon of milk. Took a short cut back to register down the canned veggie aisle. Saw a blinky and it was $1.00 off any two Hunts tomatoes. Looked at the Hunts tomatoes and saw a sign that says ā€œin store special, buy one get one freeā€ Bingo!! Tomato sauce is 99 cents each. Which would make the 2 FREE FREE FREE. After yesterdays rants, this is great news as I want to make chili this weekend so now I wonā€™t deplete my stock of tomatoes that I got for almost free a few months back. Woohoo.

King Neptune

Again, as long as I can remember, Iā€™ve seen him walking. Generally in the same radius of 2 or 3 miles. He is an older gentleman. Thin. Short. Wears a hat with ragged upturned top which stands in as his crown. Wears glasses with funky fin like things on them. His shirts are cut (or maybe purchased like this?) with ragged ā€œcar washā€™ type cuts on bottom. His pants are always the same as the shirts, ragged ā€˜car washā€™ type cuts. Funny because sometimes they come right below his knees. And he always, always carrys, what I would imagine to be his staff An umbrella this morning. Closed. But held rightously. It may rain today, so the weatherman says. Yesterday, he was carrying what looked like a long stick. Heā€™s tan. Heā€™s fit. He has a closely trimmed beard. Grey. Also, has closely trimmed hair. Could be bald, but I've never seen him without his hat/crown. Lately Iā€™ve seen him at NE 26th Street and Federal Highway, crossing against the red light going west on 26th. I'...

The curse of GREAT coupons

So you know, I wanted to start off the year with a very very limited budget for food. $70 a week. I had really allocated $600 a month in the budget but really said $100 would be more than generous, $70 would be ideal. I have YET to do it. I have still not set my mind to the task at hand. Wants vs Needs. The story of my life. The story of everyones life probably. The thing that is really really throwing me off my course is all these great coupons out there. Really, it should not be a problem, but it is. I feel like I HAVE to use these coupons, combined with a sale (regardless of whether itā€™s a great sale, and I really need it for stocking purposes). Hereā€™s an example. I have a coupon that I printed off online for $1.00 off Pam. Publix also has a store coupon for $1.00 off Pam. Use the 2 together & I get $2 off. That leaves me 99 cents to pay. Honestly, a great deal. BUT if I do this for 20 things that I donā€™t NEED right now, then Iā€™m $20 over on my $70 goal. This is what Iā€™m...

Week 2 Grocery Shopping

Boy, it's very very hard to stay within that $70 range. Have YET to do it... Publix (which I will be going back there again this week with my coupons to scoop up some great deals): Friday night stop: coffee $5.50 2 salad dressing $3.29 canola oil $3.60 2 Gatorade $10 4 lb oranges $2.00 wondra $1.99 12 pk corona $11.99 milk $3.49 b/s chix $3.38, $3.30, $3.46, $3.58, $3.44 2 pkgs bagels $3.99 bread .89cents not sugar sweetner $1.59 2 lb powder sugar $1.49 Total: $71.55 (says I saved $40.09 ... where??) Saturdays stop: refund on milk -$3.49 powder milk $7.99 sour cream $1.39 * 7 dannon yogurt $2.80 * 3 pringles $3.00 * Total: $15.17 but said I saved $4.95 I will probably run back either on the way to work on Monday or maybe after work on Wednesday for: Gatorade 32 oz bottles. On sale for $1 each & I got 55 cent coupons Pam spray. $2.99 have $1 off store coupon & $1 off manufacturer. May end up with 3 or 4 Rice a roni - buy 4, 2 50 cent off & one 40 cent off kens dressi...

Saturday & Sunday

Saturday was a busy day and I got a lot of my things from my list accomplished. Luckily, I did my grocery shopping Friday night after work since I got out a half hour early. My g/f & I went out for dinner & drinks then, 2 beers, appetizers & $40 later ā€¦ but it does NOT happen very often anymore, so Iā€™m ok with that! So hereā€™s how my Saturday went: Went back to the grocery store to exchange the leaking gallon of milk. Ended up spending $15. Made it to the dollar store & got my 6 tin pans and a plastic whisk ā€¦ spent $4.24 Got back home. Deskinned (is that a word??) a whole chicken. Threw it in a pot of boiling water & let it cook (simmer) for an hour. Then I proceeded to make this which made a LOT. I put most in a large tin (lasagna size) and some in a round tin (cake pan). Covered with a double layer of heavy duty foil & stuck in the freezer. I will make the smaller one for dinner one night this week. Then I took my 7 lbs of chicken breast & set 2 brea...

Menu 1/5 to 1/11

I recently discovered Gayle over at The Grocerycart Challenge and have been thoroughly impressed. Matter of fact, she is the inspiration behind my $70 a week goal ... She will post her shopping trip (with photos) and then her menu plan for the week. Breakfast These are pretty much fend for yourselves ... cereal, scrambled eggs, toast, bagel, pancakes, whatnot. I always have sausage patties & bacon in the freezer and/or fridge if desired. I will make breakfast either Saturday or Sunday for the family. But not during the week. *Note to self: need to restock freezer supply of breakfast burritos, pancakes & waffles* Lunch These are almost always leftovers for dh & I, the kids get $10 each a week to either buy their lunch or take a pb&J with chips, cookies & g2 or propel or water. On weekends, it's usually sandwiches if there are no leftovers (tuna, lunchmeat, what not) Dinner Tacos Teriyaki Chicken Thighs (and veggie rice) Soup & Sandwiches Leftovers Lasagn...

Snowbirds of a different kind

Bikini boy. Bikini boy. Well. Heā€™s not really a boy. More like a grown man. But Iā€™m not sure I could even guess his age. Mid 40ā€™s, maybe?? And he walks. The man loves to walk. He walks on the east side of town. He walks downtown. He walks in the morning. And he walks in the (early) evening. He walks on the edge of the street. Not in the grass. Not on the shoulder. Not on the sidewalk. On the edge of the street. Into oncoming traffic. And he wearsā€¦.a speedo type brief. No shirt. No hat. No shorts. Just his bikini and sneakers (actually, I need to look at his feet, wonder if he wears socks?). But there you have it. And then you have: The Well Dressed Lady For years I would see her here, there & everywhere. Down by the beach. Downtown. Over by Target. Somedays she would have a shopping cart. Some days she would have a little dog (looked like a little terrier). One day I saw her going through stuff in the trunk of a huge old lincoln towncar. Some days she is by herself. Ot...
Where has the last 24 hours gone??? Ds had a hair appt yesterday (at last, he wants to get his hair cut, I mean, trimmed!) at 5:30pm (had made it late since I did not know if I would be off or not on Friday, I was) so we didn't get home until 7:15 or so (he has a lot of hair). Hubby was sweet enough to make the salsbury steaks & get the water ready for the noodles while we were gone. We were sitting outside for a bit and suddenly, there was a big long flash of blue light, the lights on the houses all flickered on & off and then dimmed in and out & finally came back on and a LOUD hummmmmmmmmmming noise started up. We run to the street as does the whole entire neighborhood. All around us are lights. No crashing noises, no sirens, no nothing. And we never heard anything more about it. Odd. All the people we talked to said the same thing I said, as soon as that blue flash hit, everyone said they tucked in their head & ducked down to the ground. Instinct. Amazing. T...

Week 1 Grocery Shopping

As you may remember, I allocated myself $600 a month for groceries which is more than generous, so I said ok, letā€™s see if I can do it for $70 a week. Whew. This could be much harder than I had planned, but then again, wants vs needs really needs to be re-evaluated. I do not normally shop at whole foods as I think their prices are way too high but today I wanted to see if they had powdered milk to buy in the bulk section (no, they donā€™t). My total for all was $85.31 but the receipts say I saved $93.04. Publix 2 1lb bags of cheddar cheese * 2 lb bags of mozzarella cheese * Gallon milk 6 lbs of turkey burgers 2 pkgs spaghetti 8 cans of tomato soup 4 bags of baked lays chips * 4 bags pizza rolls * bag of salad 1 lonely cucumber Pkg cherry tomatoes 1 lb carrots 2 ben & jerry ice cream (hey, 91 cents each after coupon) * 1 Lucky Charms * 4 boxes poptarts Cat food * 12 pkgs ramen (need the noodles) Winn Dixie Head of green cabbage Head of red cabbage 10 Special K (99 cents a box wi...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I managed to only drink a little, eat some home made Chicago-style pizza , enjoy a few friends and be asleep by 1am! I am so proud of myself! Actually, even more so than that. I convinced hubby that we did NOT need to take a cab down to the Elbow Room to celebrate. Several reasons. A) would have cost a lot of money to be down there with drinks and all, b) would have drank way too much and c) we did NOT need to be around a group of drunks strangers to bring in the new year. Because of this my good friend chose not to come over (??? Whats up with that???) and our other friends left here about 10:30 or so to head over there for the dropping of the ball. That was ok. So how about, is everyone else out there ready for the new year to start! Iā€™m so freakin happy, itā€™s not even funny!!