Scare Tactic or just CYA?
So last night, and this morning, all that was on any of the news stations and talk radio channels was the CDC report of the potential number of hospitalized cases for Swine Flu ... oops, I mean, H1N1 Flu this fall. And the potential number of infected people. Not to mention the number of potential deaths. This irritates me a bit. I mean shoot, this has been around the world since April, that we know of. We've know that the potential for it to rear up again would be when the normal flu season comes around. NOW they are starting to make small panic sounds, in my opinion. Whats up with that? Yes, school has started. Yes, I am well aware that alone increases exposure 100%. Yes, I understand that there is a good possibility my child will be exposed to it. And yes, catch it. But good lord! Do not scare people. All of a sudden, they feel like they have to just jump out of the bushes and say "HEY!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO CATCH THIS AND BE VERY VERY SICK" ... I think they are jus...