Swine Flu … or to be politically correct, H1N1 (Hiney Flu??)
I know a lot of people right now who are sick with a ‘stomach virus’ … nausea, chills, fever, and just plain crud. Which made me think. Hmmm. What ever happened to the swine flu panic. Oh. I’m sorry. H1N1. Really. Whatever happened? First it was all over the news. Mask and hand sanitizers were nowhere to be found. Schools closing. Our VP making a not so smart recommendation … WAIT! I think that’s when the media became quiet. When VP made the remark of staying off public transportation, airplanes, etc. Oh yeah. Does anyone remember that?? I find it amazing that one week something is front & center and holds everyone’s attention. And then poof. It’s gone. Just like that. Shoot. Florida had 12 cases the last time I heard. I just went to the cdc.gov website and LOOK, Florida now has 139 cases (well, as of this morning, but when I went and looked again at 3:15pm, it was up to 165!!!). AND there have been a total of 11 (15 as of 3:15pm) deaths in the US. So what’s up??? That much...